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On beer, and the brewing there of

One of the things that Peter and I missed, while abroad, was American craft-brewed beer. China doesn't really seem to have an interest in micro brew, at present--certainly, nothing like the obsession with such that you'll see in, say, Asheville NC or Portland, OR (though, side note: the town's respective slogans on this are equally, embarrassingly silly--Asheville went with "Beer City USA" and Portland likes to call itself "Beervana." We couldn't do any better, Chambers of Commerce?). After a summer of multiple outdoor beer festivals, and a lot of microbrew evaluation, I'm feeling that craft beer itch well and truly scratched.

Oregon Brewer's Festival 
Zoo Brew! at the Oregon Zoo

And yet...Peter has been quite interested, for some time, in trying his hand at brewing his own (the darker and smokier and richer the better).

So, look what we (mostly Peter) finally did!

A raspberry vanilla stout is, at present, conditioning in the bottles in the lower reaches of our kitchen cupboards. We tried a bottle yesterday, and while it is assuredly not ready yet (not enough head), it is well on its way to being really delicious. Awesome.

I'm pretty damned proud of us (mostly Peter).  The beer, for which we're still perfecting naming and labeling choices, should be ready to drink within a week.

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