I used a peg loom and a mix of natural and dyed shetland and lincoln fleece locks to create this fine fluffy object. There's something about this particular piece that makes me smile…just so cartoony, somehow? Either way, another version in pink and oranges in already in the works. This version is mounted on copper, which adds a certain something.
Also, now seems as good a time as any to a quick weaving process pic. I'm planning on talking a lot more about the wonders of peg loom weaving soon, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, here's a piece made with a variety of wool, handspun and recycled yarns, and some vintage floral ribbon. Pardon the mess, but also please feel free to admire my desk, which makes me feel very official as I work from home (probably because it weighs a gazillion pounds and looks like it belongs to in a 1960s elementary school classroom; head of the class!).
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