It's been a busy week, and only a minimally crafty one. Though I did get in an extensive drum carding session in Eugene (more on that later), the meat of that trip was July 4th related. We went to a very nice BBQ, and wandered around in an ultimately fun but fruitless attempt to find a good fireworks viewing space that wasn't overpacked with U of Oregon students--no offense at all to them, I'm just old and crowd-averse.
Then! I went to Cannon Beach and Seaside, OR with Peter's family to celebrate Peter's Mom's birthday, which was a whole other kind of fun.
I don't have a ton of experience with the Oregon coast. A few years ago, my brother and I drove from Missoula, MT to Astoria for the hell of it, but that was in early spring. Everything was gray and windswept and rocky and, with us being east coast natives, was set to remind us of Maine, and so it did.
In summer, the Oregon coast is considerably more lively, and more set on reminding me of the Jersey Shore, at least in tourist spirit. But, virtually nobody swims, regardless (the water felt to be about 50 degrees Fahrenheit, when we were there, and the air was around 65). And it is still rocky and windswept and rugged. And quite beautiful.
My favorite aspect of the wintery beach feel was that lots of people have fires on the sand, which is awesome. When we walked down to the water after dinner, we were pleasantly assaulted by campfire smells from every direction. I'd forgotten how much I loved and missed that smell.
As they say, a good time was had by all.
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