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Fiber art made from sustainable, local materials.

A recent knitting: chunky cowl

So, I made another dramatically seasonally inappropriate item! Hooray for that. I had a few smaller bits of chunky/bulky yarn that needed a home, and I needed a nice and simple instant gratification project. The whole thing was done pattern-lessly, and in one evening of How I Met Your Mother reruns.

From the bottom up: handspun wool in autumny colors, recycled gray lambswool, and recycled over dyed cashmere/wool. I put the cashmere blend at the top because it is absurdly soft and cuddly.

I want winter. Though I'll deny having ever said that.

I used some of the same overdyed, respun cashmere/wool yarn in this batch of handspun, though here I plied it with a crazy batt of craziness. Above, I kept things (comparatively) simple, and just plied the recycled yarn on itself. 

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